Monday Aug 10, 2020
Untangling the Atlantic Knot: Wills for mixed US/UK couples
Monday Aug 10, 2020
Monday Aug 10, 2020
This is the story of Chris, a Brit, and Sam from the US. In this podcast we explore issues faced by this transatlantic couple including their businesses and their assets in a US to UK, cross-border context.
Chris is a Brit. He is the heir of a significant UK family business, specialising in high-end retail. The plan has always been for Chris to take over the family business. In preparation for Chris joining the family business, his parents have sent him to Harvard Business School, where he has been enjoying his classes and making fantastic contacts.
In fact, he has made the ultimate contact: Sam. Sam is the child of a California real estate tycoon. Whilst deciding what to do next, Sam has also been studying at Harvard Business School. Chris and Sam have fallen in love and want to get married.
In each episode, we will investigate a different aspect of the transatlantic legal issues that Chris and Sam face.
Before Chris and Sam “settle down”, they have decided to go on a sailing adventure. Quite rightly, their parents are insisting that they make Wills. But what should these say?
Monday Aug 10, 2020
Monday Aug 10, 2020
This is the story of Chris, a Brit, and Sam from the US. In this podcast we explore issues faced by this transatlantic couple including their businesses and their assets in a US to UK, cross-border context.
Chris is a Brit. He is the heir of a significant UK family business, specialising in high-end retail. The plan has always been for Chris to take over the family business. In preparation for Chris joining the family business, his parents have sent him to Harvard Business School, where he has been enjoying his classes and making fantastic contacts.
In fact, he has made the ultimate contact: Sam. Sam is the child of a California real estate tycoon. Whilst deciding what to do next, Sam has also been studying at Harvard Business School. Chris and Sam have fallen in love and want to get married.
In each episode, we will investigate a different aspect of the transatlantic legal issues that Chris and Sam face.
Once settled in the UK, Sam quickly realises that they cannot easily escape the IRS. As a US citizen, Sam must continue to report and pay taxes to the IRS. But as a UK resident, Sam also needs to navigate the UK tax system.
Monday Aug 10, 2020
Untangling the Atlantic Knot: Moving from the US to the UK
Monday Aug 10, 2020
Monday Aug 10, 2020
This is the story of Chris, a Brit, and Sam from the US. In this podcast we explore issues faced by this transatlantic couple including their businesses and their assets in a US to UK, cross-border context.
Chris is a Brit. He is the heir of a significant UK family business, specialising in high-end retail. The plan has always been for Chris to take over the family business.
In preparation for Chris joining the family business, his parents have sent him to Harvard Business School, where he has been enjoying his classes and making fantastic contacts.
In fact, he has made the ultimate contact: Sam. Sam is the child of a California real estate tycoon. Whilst deciding what to do next, Sam has also been studying at Harvard Business School.
Chris and Sam have fallen in love and want to get married. In each episode, we will investigate a different aspect of the transatlantic legal issues that Chris and Sam face.
In this episode, Chris and Sam have decided to move to the UK. Sam therefore needs to investigate which immigration status will best suit them.
Tuesday Aug 04, 2020
Connect: Schrems II - the judgment and practical next steps for your business
Tuesday Aug 04, 2020
Tuesday Aug 04, 2020
On 16 July 2020, the Court of Justice of the European Union invalidated the EU-US Privacy Shield as a mechanism for transfer of personal data from the EU to the United States. The decision is likely to have a profound impact, particularly where personal data is transferred between the EU and the US. In this podcast, Chris Ingram, Jonathan McDonald and Olivia Crane discuss the impact of the Schrems II decision and the practical steps businesses can take to ensure all international data flows remain legally compliant.
Monday Aug 03, 2020
Monday Aug 03, 2020
There has been plenty of guidance about the changes to the property world brought about COVID-19, but there are still lots of “normal” property cases to be aware of. In this podcast, we look at a few of the “business as usual” judgments which have been handed down so far this year. Take a listen if you want to learn more about Duval v 11-13 Randolph Crescent Limited (about residential landlords consenting to activities which are prohibited by the lease, e.g. alterations) or Sara & Hossein Asset Holdings v Blacks (about a commercial tenant’s challenges to its service charge).
Wednesday Jul 29, 2020
SDLT Holiday – points to watch out for
Wednesday Jul 29, 2020
Wednesday Jul 29, 2020
In this episode, Laura Sheftel and Rebecca Day discuss the SDLT holiday announced by the Government on 8 July 2020, including some of the more interesting points you may not have thought about.
Monday Jul 27, 2020
The New Normal: Procuring in a Pandemic
Monday Jul 27, 2020
Monday Jul 27, 2020
Paul Henty, our Head of Public Procurement, discusses recently issued guidance from HM Government on how public bodies should deal with construction projects and firms in the era of COVID-19. Paul addresses public guidance on the provision of contractual relief to contractors, as well as the most recent guidance on the government’s plans to return contracting practices to normal as the outbreak tapers off.
Wednesday Jul 22, 2020
IP in a Pod: Designs and design rights - part 2 (UK rights)
Wednesday Jul 22, 2020
Wednesday Jul 22, 2020
In the second part of our two-part episode on designs and design rights, David and Pete explain registered and unregistered design rights in the UK, and Rahim illustrates some of key designs principles as the applied in recent case law. The team also have a brief discussion on the benefits of registering designs, and the impact of Brexit on UK design rights.
Tuesday Jul 21, 2020
Future of FinTech: Key themes for regulated FinTechs in the era of COVID-19
Tuesday Jul 21, 2020
Tuesday Jul 21, 2020
Jessica Arrol and Jed Wilsher examine the key themes for regulated FinTechs as the COVID-19 lockdown begins to ease, considering the areas of focus from a Financial Conduct Authority perspective as well as potential opportunities in the FinTech space.
Friday Jul 17, 2020
IP in a Pod: Designs and design rights – part 1 (EU rights)
Friday Jul 17, 2020
Friday Jul 17, 2020
In the first part of our two-part episode on designs and design rights, David, Pete and Rahim discuss registered and unregistered design rights in the European Union and consider the effect that Brexit will have on these rights.